- Nicholas Coulombe


am sitting next to my client, the Rabbi

both crossing our right leg over our left

folding our hands on our knee.

"what do you study?" he looks in me.

"education" I say,

loudly into his overgrown ear.

"you need to get serious about your writing. are you a writer or do you call yourself that?"

"I am writing, I was published" I say,

a signed copy resting on his nightstand.


"I.. could write more often.

I write every week, but... I could write every day".

the Rabbi nodded, contented with my answer.

He then asked for the fourth time in the last half an hour, where his holocaust rings were.

I reminded him, as was my job, that the rings were locked away safely. I offered to retrieve the rings and show him.

"no, no, that's okay. sit. sit".

dementia did not rob the Rabbi

of his wisdom.



am going to make a map.

my story, forward

what becomes of me.

am I a Writer? a Teacher? an Actor?

a Graphic Designer? a Caregiver? a Father?

a Boyfriend? a Son? a Friend?

a Good person?

a Psychiatrist?

a Mentor? an Activist? God?

Mentally Stable? Rich? an Interesting person.

a public Face? a Public Voice?

a public Hand, Body, Soul, Spirit?

do I want to build a statue?

do I want to take pills for the rest of my life?

do I want to surround myself with Interesting people? Adventurous people? Happy people? people who play Dungeons and Dragons?

does my chosen company Drink?


have Kids?

do I care How I get there?

do I want an Apartment? or a House?

or a Neighborhood? or a Trailor?

or a Park Bench as my living space.

do I want to be known

for being a Good Friend.

do I want

to be remembered WHILE I AM ALIVE

not just after I die. do I want a legacy.

NOW or to build it.

do I want to be patient?

do I want to be Driven,


Motivated. do I want Answers

or to just ask the Questions for now?

ask until a boy with his journal

waits to assist

while I finally know the answer.


who am I?