Photo of Nicholas M. Coulombe
They Aren’t Vampires. They Aren’t Vampires. They Aren’t Vampires.
March 2017
Why have I only dated vampires?
I'm loosing lots of blood.
What am I gaining?
Besides, their blood diseases.
lots of excitment!
Moments that belong in movies
but would be better as books.
throw me across a room.
some of them love to count.
some only show up for breakfast around Halloween
Seductive temptresses,
I have a type.
I don't know if it's Type A
Or Type B
Or Type O, negative?
I'm an optimism junkie
O, Positive?
I'm not afraid of needles
they're afraid of me.
See, I’m a universal donor,
which makes finding a match for my type rare
I can't confirm anything about wooden stakes, decapitation
or garlic but,
I can assure you of at least one fact: setting them on fire
doesn't work.
No matter how hot they get,
their anger never kills them.
Diamonds however, repel them quite nicely.
Nicholas M. Coulombe
Portland, ME